Constant Contact text-to-join feature enables you to capture email addresses via text ins and add these to a Contact List. Prospects or potential customers simply text your keyword followed by their email address to our short code (22828). Constant Contact captures this information and automatically adds them as a contact to your Contact List inside your Constant Contact account. Once they are added they begin to receive your newsletters and/or autoresponders right away. Check out the video to see how, and read the examples below for some suggestions for real estate, restaurants, promotes and churches.

Examples of use for text-to-join

Real Estate

  1. Person drives by a property and sees a “For Sale” sign with a mobile keyword printed on the sign
  2. Person texts the keyword (something like “1home”) to 22828
  3. Person receives an automated text message right back, something like “4 bed, 4 bath, 2000 square ft. List price $950,000. For more info call John at 888-300-3002 or go to”
  4. Person receives an automated email response with images of the property, video walk-through and full specs, including your contact information.
  5. Person has opted-in to the your contact list, and you can use Constant Contact to email this person in the future with any updates.


  1. Person texts “1vip” to 22828.
  2. Person receives an automated text message right back, something like, “Thanks for joining VIP Entertainment’s mobile list. Show this text to receive 50% off cover. Huge event this Sat at Club LAX so check it out. For more info go to”
  3. Person receives an automated email response with pictures and video of your most recent party, a schedule of upcoming events, and printable coupons for future events.
  4. Person has opted in to your contact list, and you can use Constant Contact to email this party-goer in the future to keep him/her in the loop at all times.

* Have the DJ promote your keyword between songs

* Let people know about the keyword as they’re waiting in line. Maybe they can text the keyword on the spot so they don’t have to wait in line or they get discounted cover.


  1. Customer texts keyword like “Pizzadeal” to 22828.
  2. Customer receives an automated text message right back, something like, “Thanks for joining our Mobile Coupon VIP List! Show this text to receive a free slice of pizza with your next purchase.”
  3. Customer receives an automated email response with images and video of restaurant, weekly specials and paper coupons.
  4. Customer has opted in to join your contact list, and you can use Constant Contact to email this person in the future to keep him/her connected.


  1. Person texts “keyword” to 22828.
  2. Person receives an automated text message right back, something like, “Youth group meets every Wed night in the main hall @ 7:30. Broomball tournament this Friday and guest speaker on Sunday so come out!”
  3. Person receives an automated email response with images and video of church, links to Archived Broadcasts of church services and link to the church’s Channel Page so they can watch the Live Broadcasts of the services.
  4. Person has opted in to join your contact list, and you can use Constant Contact to email this person in the future to keep him/her connected.

People have their phones with them at all times, and thus the redemption rates for mobile coupons are much higher than paper coupons.

You’ve seen the same technology on American Idol, heard it on the radio, or seen it on a billboard. People can text your mobile keyword to our short code (22828) to join your contact list and start receiving your mobile coupons, Email Campaigns and Autoresponders.

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